Please note that Raging Roots Studio is no longer offering custom dreadlock extensions. However, we still install extensions made by sellers on our recommended seller list.
There are many reasons for why you may be considering dreadlock extensions. Some simply are too impatient to wait for their hair to grow longer.Others may want to even out the length of an unusual hair cut they received prior to growing their hair out in preparation for getting/growing dreadlocks. These are just two of many reasons. Rest assured, whatever YOUR personal reason is, it is a valid one. There are some in the dreadlock community who feel that extensions are “fake” dreadlocks, but the only person who has the right to decide whether a dreadlock is “real” or “fake” is YOU. So, don’t be discouraged by naysayers if you feel that this is the right path for you!
Something important to note is that for some folks with certain hair types or hair qualities, there is sometimes only a relatively small window of opportunity in which they are able to get dreadlock extensions using the methods we offer (which exclude the use of glues or adhesives of any kind). Especially those with kinky, afro-textured hair or fine hair whose dreadlocks sometimes lock up extremely densely. The same “problem” sometimes occurs when a person (regardless of hair texture) has a history of wax use. The wax compacts inside the ends of the dreadlocks and creates a super-dense lock. If your dreadlocks are so dense that you have difficulty even trying to poke a needle through the ends of your dreadlocks you are likely NOT a candidate for extensions using the adhesive-free methods used at Raging Roots Studio. (Glue, by the way, is NOT EVER recommended to be used in dreadlocks for much of the same reasons that wax is not recommended.) Please make sure to do this “needle” test before taking any of the other steps towards getting or inquiring about permanent dreadlock extensions as dreadlock extensions cannot be placed in too-dense dreadlocks.
Now, before you jump in, literally, head first, there are a couple of considerations you need to think about. There are two major decisions you need to make in preparation for this process. (1) Do you want to use HUMAN hair or SYNTHETIC hair? and (2) do you want the extensions made-at-installation OR pre-made? These may seem like insignificant things to consider when all you want to do is get started, but they are crucial first steps for all of us if you are choosing to come see us as a client OR for yourself if you are going on this journey alone or with the help of friends. Click on the blue underlined text above to learn more!